是的,你沒看錯,微軟攤位出現AMD的SG,因為AMD幫微軟的Windows Home Server背書,所以現場會有AMD的SG幫忙發傳單(有種微軟偷偷搞外遇的感覺)
<Computex 2008: Is Microsoft going soft on innovation?>
Easy, easy, we did not put on the wrong picture. Nor is your eyes betraying you. The showgirl in AMD uniform is helping Microsoft promote their products because AMD has officially backed Windows Home Server up.
Apart from the lovely showgirl, it was quite disappointing. Looking around there are loads of smart phones, and hardwares running on Microsoft platform. It was remotely exciting when everything looked so familiar...
You might have a look at all the smart phones if you are interested. Guess all we could do is to take all the pictures and have a smart phone quiz contest.
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