2008年10月28日 星期二



這真的是超級好的創意,澳洲創作歌手Josh Pyke為了配合「Make You Happy」單曲音樂發行,乘坐吉他形狀的小船成功的穿越了雪梨灣。Josh在單曲影像中使用的這個巨型吉他是根據聲學儀器複製的。


Gallery: Guitar Boat

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恬靜的午後,來杯咖啡伴隨著輕柔的音樂,真是再快樂也不過的一件事。The Drip with Song,便是將上述兩者合而為一的概念設計。咖啡杯底盤是一個 CD 播放器,而咖啡杯本身則是負責調整音量大小的旋鈕,相當適合在一個人的悠閒午後使用。

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在虛擬世界中殺人,在現實生活中需不需要負責?一名43歲的日本札幌女子在線上遊戲楓之谷(Maple Story)中殺了她的虛擬丈夫,因而在現實生活中面臨有期徒刑的刑責。由於不滿她的「丈夫」要和她離婚,這名女子利用她丈夫的帳號和密碼登入後,將她丈夫的網路身分刪除。



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2008年10月21日 星期二

PSP-3000 unboxing and hands-on

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We know they're hitting the streets, and we've already seen some unboxing pics and a nasty gutting, but we felt we needed to give Sony's new PSP-3000 the proper Engadget treatment. As you can tell by the photos, there's not much new here, though as you should know, the guts are where it's all going down (new screen, built-in microphone). Still it never hurts to take a close look at a shiny new toy... so enjoy yourselves in the gallery.
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Android rap shows the G1 love, gives Google some street cred

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We really, really like where this is going. First came the Zune puppet rap vid, followed by the equally astounding Large Hadron Collider joint. Now, we've got a video for all you G1 pre-orderers that's sure to get your noggin' bobbin' as you patiently await the arrival of Android. And just as any true rap should, it unashamedly bashes the iPhone, Instinct and most every other "rival" on the market today. The best 3 minutes and 56 seconds of your day are about to occur -- click on past the break and get it going. Word?

[Via Phandroid, thanks Rob]

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微星11月推出內建3.5G的Wind U120,明年3月推出下一代


微星Wind U12據說會在11月推出,最大的特色就是內建3.5G的無線模組,初期上市的規格大致如下:

CPU:Intel Atom N270
記憶體:1 GB DDR2
作業系統:Windows XP Home


在該報導中還有提到,在明年3月舉辦的Cebit 2009,將有機會看到Wind NB的下一代上市。

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用 The Hand 和後方車輛打「招呼」

The Hand,是專門貼在後車窗上,用來與後車「溝通」的小玩意。假如您非常幸運地在路上遇到貼車貼很近、跟車開遠光燈、裝著打鳥專用 HID 的車時,又不怕別人掏傢伙出來的話,這個小玩意便能夠幫上您一點忙,好好地招呼後車一下。

由於世界各地的手勢各有不同的含義,因此 The Hand 很貼心地提供了七種不同的手勢,絕對能夠滿足一般人的需要。本體尺吋為 9 吋 x 6 吋,以兩顆 AA 電池供電。售價 39.99 美元( 約新台幣 1,300 元 )。


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2008年10月15日 星期三

Windows 7 官方正式定名為... Windows 7!(M$ 窗戶七號 始動!)

微軟即將在 WinHEC 和 PDC 上進行下一代 Windows 的 pre-beta 大放送,所以也到了該決定下一代 OS 名字的時候了。代號 Windows 7 的下一代 Windows 將正式取名為...(鼓聲)...Windows 7!是的,代號就是正式定名,這對 Windows 來說是第一次。跟據 Vista blog 的 Mike Nash 所言,取名 Windows 7 是因為做為第七版的 Windows,取這個名字「很合理」,同時微軟不想再取一個像 Vista 一般「志向遠大」(嗄?) 的名字 -- 因為改名字,就無法展現出新 OS「根植於」Vista 的原意 (再嗄?)。這或許就是 Windows 7 長得這麼像 Vista 的原因吧...

不管怎樣,不要因為取名 Windows 7,就拖個 7 年才推出,Okay?

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Epson Aculaser C9200N彩雷產品發表會

印表機已經是相當成熟的市場,新機推出的速度已經有點減緩,這次Epson難得推出印表機新機,而且還是A3尺寸的彩雷,型號為AcuLaser C9200N(N代表Network,也就是內建網卡),接著就跟Annti一起來看C9200N有何特別之處吧...

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Japan's toy giant Tomy unveils the world's smallest humanoid robot Robo-Q


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2008年10月14日 星期二

PS3 2.50 and PSP 5.00 firmware coming soon, PSP WiFi store included

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Sony's firmware elves haven't gotten a break since the last round of console updates -- PS3 2.50 and PSP 5.00 have just been announced on the PlayStation Blog. Nothing terrifically major for the PS3 apart from support for the SOCOM Bluetooth Headset's High Quality mode, as well as some trophy tweaks and power management options, but the PSP gets a WiFi version of the PlayStation Store, with downloadable games, trailers, and demos. No word on when these will actually become available, but we'd guess it'll be relatively soon.
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Mahru the robot dances to mask its emotional insecurities

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We've enjoyed watching KIST's Hubo do crazy things like wear the face of Albert Einstein and ride a Segway, but we haven't given as much attention to its brother Mahru. Feeling left out, the biped learned to dance with its upper body whilst walking around -- an impressive feat, considering it wasn't all that long ago that scientists first managed to get these things to take five steps without falling flat on their faces. Mahru also releases scents to express its artificial emotions, so you should be able to smell something fishy when it achieves sentience and begins angrily plotting to destroy its creators. Take a gander at a South Korean TV news report after the break.

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癮設計:Energy Seed 用廢電池為未來點亮一盞明燈

雖然 Energy Seed 這個設計看起來還有許多要克服的問題,但它所訴求的理念倒是相當不錯 - 將廢棄的電池當成種子投入這個回收箱,為我們自己種出光明的未來。

這邊指的光明可不只是「精神」層次,而是真正的光明。根據設計師的說法,一般我們以為電力耗盡的電池,實際上裡頭還有不少電力,只不過電壓降到 0.8 ~ 1.2V,所以沒辦法推動較大型 - 像是相機、PMP 這些電器...之類的。然而只要將這些電池串聯起來,用來推動 LED 燈泡則是綽綽有餘。因此所有投入 Energy Seed 裡的廢電池,都會再被拿來點亮上頭的燈光,榨乾電池內所有的電力,絲毫不浪費任何一滴能源,同時也為路人點亮一盞明燈。


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