2008年5月20日 星期二

Munk Bogballe將MacBook變成奢華工作站

或許你看不慣Macbook Air的薄弱,即使它很輕;那麼沒關係,Munk Bogballe給你帶來強悍的MacBook,這個顯然是蘋果無法打造的,看看其強悍配置:

  • 13.3寬螢幕顯示(1280 * 800 解析度)

  • 2.4 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo 處理器

  • 4 GB 記憶體

  • 160 GB 硬碟

  • 8x SuperDrive (DVD±R DL/DVD±RW/CD-RW)

  • Intel GMA X3100顯卡

  • 內建視訊,麥克風

不過最誇張的是其採用了電鍍鋁層,歐洲奢華皮革,一個定製的高達$640(約新台幣兩萬)的皮包,預訂總價達$6,700,約新台幣二十萬。重量已經高達3.13kg!如果你預定後覺得有什麼不安的話,那麼沒關係,Munk Bogballe會同時幫你捐贈一台OLPC給慈善機構。



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Integrated WiMAX not coming to the Eee PC anytime soon?

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ASUS has been running around demoing Eee PCs with built-in WiMAX for a while now, but a new report in the always-salacious DigiTimes says that we won't be able to get our hands on similarly-equipped units until after 2008 because the company feels the WiMAX market won't reach "maturity." Fair enough -- and ASUS is still planning on shipping the wireless tech in its larger laptops -- but something tells us that WiMAX isn't going to mature if popular devices aren't available with the tech built-in. Something about a chicken and an egg, you know?

[Via jkOnTheRun]
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