2008年11月2日 星期日

Sony and Universal launching POP "instant entertainment" vending machines in UK

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Sony and Universal launching POP

Sure, downloading songs and movies is easy these days (even when done legally), but what if you don't have a computer or internet connection? "How would I be reading this post, then?" you might ask. Fair point, but there must be dozens of other people out there with portable media players yet no way to fill them, and for this market Sony and Universal have partnered to create POP, the "instant entertainment 24/7" vending machine hitting the UK this holiday season. Unlike other boxes that sell media players, this one sells content to fill them, downloaded straight to a memory card, flash drive, PMP, or other (USB-supporting) portable device. You can also purchase media-based content on DVD and Blu-ray if you like, games too, all of which "pop" out shrink wrapped and in full retail garb. Being able to buy a Blu-ray disc at midnight on a dark corner sounds mildly interesting, but with no mention of file formats or DRM or anything else, you won't find us sticking our memory cards into this thing's slots anytime soon.

Sony and Universal launching POP "instant entertainment" vending machines in UK originally appeared on Engadget on Fri, 31 Oct 2008 09:41:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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植物種植專家,EasyBloom USB感應器現已開始發售


你知道嗎?這款兩年前提出的電子植物感應器設想,現在似乎已經獲得大規模商業化生產的資金了,現在,我們終於可以買到這款產品了。這款被命名EasyBloom 的電子感應器,插在土壤中24個小時後,它可以對土壤的重要數據進行分析,然後通過USB將數據上傳到您的電腦上,從而引導你更好地種植你的花花草草。

此外,它還可以「診斷植物為什麼病了」 ,並列出適合該環境的植物名單。當然, 59.99美元(約新台幣2,000元)在這種玩意上有點浪費,但總比每兩週就買一株新植物合算。

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無聊嗎?找個Tuttuki Bako小盒子捅捅吧!



繼續閱讀全文無聊嗎?找個Tuttuki Bako小盒子捅捅吧!

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女孩們的衣著也是可以很科技的,像是太陽能版的內衣,如果遊戲與比基尼結合,會迸出什麼樣的火花呢?這套比基尼與古早遊戲 - 小精靈結合,不知道穿在海灘上行走會不會多吸引一些目光的說。


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世界上最不幸的科技產品相關意外 18/18




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在小筆電銷售領域,我們已經有足夠的證據表明其正在快速成長,IDC公佈的最新報告表明,歐洲、中東及非洲在2008年第三季度售出了超過200萬台小筆電,佔到同時期筆電及桌機出貨量(共2790萬台)的7%左右,而其中ASUSAcer 佔該市場的80%。這只是開始,IDC估計第四季小筆電的銷售會加倍成長,達到400萬台。

同時公佈了2008年第三季全球及美國PC市場報告,第三季度全球PC出貨量同比增長15.8%,略低於之前預期,歐洲、中東及非洲的需求量增長強勁,美國和日本市場的出貨量保持穩定。IDC公佈的數據顯示,HP仍以18.8%的市佔率繼續排在第三季度全球PC市場榜首,Dell和 Acer分別以14.2%和12.5%排名第二和第三位。聯想下降了0.6%,以7.4%排名第四,排名第五的是Toshiba,佔有率為4.6%。

[整理編譯自 Register Hardware]

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