2008年3月6日 星期四

Microsoft Surface going spherical?

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While we've yet to see the rollout of Microsoft's Surface, rumor has it that other versions have at least made it to the prototype stage. According to ZDNET's sources, Microsoft has a "spherical Surface prototype" bouncing around the Redmond campus. What's intriguing is how they managed to stuff a rear projection unit and IR cameras into a ball. Presumably, we're talking about a different touch-sensitive technology to that used in the table-top surface. You know, assuming the rumor is true.


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誰說老狗不能學新把戲?還有人記得動作有點猥褻的USB小狗玩具嗎?現在它出二代了,這次一改前一代讓人頭冒三條線的不雅姿勢,改走仰臥起坐的健康路線;跟前身一樣,這一代的USB狗依舊只是個玩具,只要將USB端插入後,USB狗將會上上下下的伏地挺身起來,並且騷擾你的工作心情。它也許變得無趣了點,但是你依然可以花大概450新台幣 ( 美金14.99 ) 買到它。 雖然它的用途不大

[ 圖文引用來源:newlaunches ]
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