2008年3月10日 星期一

Ban the TV from the Bedroom? [Reader Poll]

tv-health.pngThe New York Times reports on several disturbing statistics connecting televisions in the bedroom to health and developmental problems like obesity, insomnia, and more. The article focuses on the effects of the bedroom TV on kids (who see lower test scores and are at a higher risk of smoking), but we've also seen how electronic media can hinder a good night's sleep for adults, as well. So the question is:

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Lots of adults rely on the before-bedtime TV to lull them to sleep, but most research suggests that the bedroom TV is doing a lot more harm than good. Let's hear your thoughts on the matter, whether your for or against it, in the comments. Photo by Aaronyx.

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Sporty Reflects as Spice Girls Tour Wraps: “There Hasn’t Been Time for Bickering”

Last week the Spice Girls wrapped up a three-month reunion tour that packed arenas across the globe, including a seventeen-night stand at London’s O2 Arena. Days before their final date Melanie “Sporty Spice” Chisolm got on the phone with Rolling Stone to talk about the reunion, the chances of new Spice Girls material and her solo career.

Are you sad the tour is coming to an end so soon?

We’ve had so much fun and I think that the strongest word that’s been on my mind is “overwhelmed.” Just the reaction and the audience and the amount of people that wanted to see us. We’ve just been blown away by the response.

You clearly could do more shows. Why stop now?

We could keep going and do more shows. We committed to the end of January and the way it was going, we said “Oh, come on, let’s push it to the end of Feb” but just because it was of personal commitments and four of the girls have children. It was like “you know what, we’d better get the kids back to school” and there were lots of reasons for us to call it a day right now.

Do you feel closer to the girls in the group now?

Yeah, definitely. All of us have really enjoyed getting closer again. All of the girls are very lucky they’ve got lovely kids and they all get along. So it’s just made the whole atmosphere on the tour very fun and there hasn’t been time for any bickering or the fighting that’s always reported about the Spice Girls. It’s just like a big family. There’s been more laughing than anything else.

We’ve always had a very special bond. We’ve been through something so unique together that even if we don’t see each other for a few months we get together and it’s been like no time has passed at all. We were so young [the first time around] and everything was happening so fast and we were exhausted. You know, when you’re out there promoting and touring away from home, it’s on you. So this time around, we made sure we enjoyed every second of it.

Do you think there’s a chance of a new album or another tour?

I have to speak personally now. I don’t feel like the Spice Girls would go back in the studio. It’s not anything we’ve ever talked about or discussed. As for shows, if you had asked me maybe six months ago if the Spice Girls would ever tour again, I probably would’ve said no. So I think it’s quite dangerous to say definitely yes or no. You never know what the future holds. But I really doubt there’d be any new material.

Do you plan to record a new solo album soon?

I currently have out my fourth solo record and that was released in Europe last year. I’m going to be releasing it in Canada in April. I’ve got a tour going in May. And, I’d love to be able to release in the States. But I just have to see how things go.

[Photo: Getty]

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大阪大學(Osaka University)的谷口大洋教授所帶領的研究團隊,也就順應民意開發出一款眼控遙控系統,內含電腦晶片及紅外線感應器,能藏身於鏡框中,精確的辨識出使用者是自然眨眼還是故意眨眼,進而靠眨眼控制iPod上的播歌順序,通常這種技術離實際上市還有很長一段路要走,不過谷口教授已經許下宏願,二到三年內就要讓與眾消費者分享,所以,就讓咱們一起拭目以待吧!

[圖片引用自 NEWS.com.au]



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MIT 媒體實驗室(Media Lab)推出的RoboScooter摺疊式小型電動機車,雖然未如其名,像個機器人能自動駕駛、自動摺疊,不過整台機車以電力發動,可抽取式的鋰電池設計,摺疊簡單方便,加上總零件數不超過150個,生產成本節省不少,雖然這麼小的機車在美國本土不太實用,但對咱們地小車多、連摩托車都找不到停車位的台北來說,真是件不可多得的交通工具,預計最快明年可正式登台。

[整理編譯自 AutoblogGreen]


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