2008年12月2日 星期二

BenQ Joybook U101 已推出,看來中規中矩

之前九月的時候,我們提到過明基這款的 Joybook U101(在當時看來有不少的讀者很清楚相關的結構呀)。而三個月後的今天,明基趁資訊展的時間點,正式販售U101(廠商編號真的太多巧合,每次講到U101就會想起Sony那款超小筆電),相關規格我就不多做說明,不少玩家應該很清楚了,而且搞不好也試玩過了(有的大概已經買了XD)。若還不清楚規格的話,可以參考官方網頁

英文主站也有提到台灣明基發表U101的消息,基本上是沒有太大的反應,沒有什麼驚喜之處(比上HP mini 1000的落差是有點大)。以目前來看,在其他機種比較少見到的特色應該就是HDD、SSD雙硬碟支援。此外,16:9的1024 X 576 解析度也是少見的。



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Playing Guitar Hero could make you want to do something besides play video games

Sure, some studies have shown that excessive gaming can lead to less interest in things like studying and doing homework, but it turns out that, pretty unsurprisingly, playing Guitar Hero or Rock Band might actually lead children to want to learn... to rock out on real instruments, anyway. That's right, according to a truly shocking report in The Times of London, roughly half of the 3 to 18 year-olds in the UK have played a music game, and one fifth of them have been motivated by their playing to give a real instrument a try, which has led to 2.5 million new budding Ted Nugents (or Jared Letos) springing up. So it's true, the kids aren't exactly studying, but at least they're doing something that could maybe eventually lead to them standing up or... something. School's out forever, dude.

[Via TechDigest]

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Playing Guitar Hero could make you want to do something besides play video games originally appeared on Engadget on Mon, 01 Dec 2008 21:50:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Nokia unveils flagship N97 phone

Details are coming in but it's official. The N97 features a large touchscreen phone with a retail price at around 550 euros ($693.4) excluding subsidies and taxes, phone to ship in H1 2009. The N97 packs a 3.5-inch, 640 x 360 pixel (that's a 16:9 aspect ratio) touchscreen display and QWERTY into this sliding communicator with an "always open" window to favorite internet or social networking sites. Nokia calls it the "world's most advanced mobile computer." To back up the claim they've dropped in HSDPA and WiFi radios, 32GB of onboard memory with microSD expansion, and a battery capable of up to 1.5 days of continuous audio playback. 5 megapixel camera with Carl Zeiss glass and "DVD quality" video capture, too.


Nokia unveils flagship N97 phone originally appeared on Engadget on Tue, 02 Dec 2008 03:16:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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噢~ HP Mini1000 也支援 3G 上網囉


HP Mini 1000 now supporting 3G

我們先前測試 HP Mini 1000 時就有聽說 3G 版本會在 12 月上市。啊咧~ 連 11 月都還沒過完,就有人拿到新版的 3G Mini 了。Pocketables 論壇的 dplxy 在拿到新機後,花了點時間和 HP、AT&T 的客服溝通才成功地連上 3G 網路。引用來源有完整的設定教學,問題在於新主機居然沒有包含 3G 驅動,要自行從 HP 網站下載 WWAN 驅動,手動安裝,最後才把 3G SIM 卡插上去。

由於 6cell 的電池尚未推出,單靠 3cell 電池跑 3G,電力撐不了太久,所以用 3G 上網時,最好快點找到你需要的資料,不然用到一半自動關機就不妙了!讓我們期待一下 3G Mini + 6cell battary 的可能性吧。

引用來源有驅動下載網址,如果你也是比別人早拿到 3G 版的幸運兒,記得去看一下

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