2008年4月16日 星期三

Wii好夥伴Neo Geo Stick 2遊戲搖桿

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你肯定不會錯過這個產品,這款Neo Geo Stick 2遊戲搖桿是正港的街機搖桿,你得為自己的裝備準備足夠大的底盤,玩起格鬥天王來真的是爽到家,這個搖桿發必殺技可謂是完美無缺,配合你Wii 主機,叫上你的朋友,來兩局對抗吧,Neo Geo Stick 2遊戲搖桿價格在60美金,約新台幣1,800元。

[整理編譯自 technabob]

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24.4 megapixel Nikon D3X DSLR in the works?

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Some entirely too ingenious hackers have found a reference to the rumored D3X deep within the bowels of Nikon's D3 firmware. The reference includes a list of resolutions available to the upcoming shooter, and it's apparently set to max out at a potentially Higgs Boson-inducing 24.4 megapixels. Word has it that this sensor is likely a variant of the megapixel monster behind Sony's upcoming A900, but since this is all being extrapolated from a few numbers hidden in some firmware, we're going to try not to get too ahead of ourselves at this point.

[Thanks to everyone who sent this in]
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