2008年4月8日 星期二

Windows 7 still slated for 2010 says Microsoft, Bill Gates just crazy-talking

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If your pants / panties were in a "bunch" upon hearing news that Windows 7 would be headed into your ever-loving arms "next year," you might just want to hold off on those party invites for a little bit. Sure, Bill Gates just happened to mention that we'd see a new version of the OS "Sometime in the next year or so," but it's looking like that "or so" makes a world of difference. Microsoft wants to chill everyone out with the somber news that its got no plans to introduce Windows 7 any earlier than January 2010 (three years from the launch of Vista), and reassure us that crazy old Gates may have just been talkin' developer speak. "As is standard with the release of a new product, we will be releasing early builds of Windows 7 prior to its general availability as a means to gain tester feedback," a spokesman for Microsoft said, downplaying Gates' statement. Of course, this means that XP's cutoff will suddenly move even further down the line, which makes us wonder what the point of setting that June 2010 date was in the first place. Why are you toying with us like this, Microsoft?

[Thanks, Tony]


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Van Der Led推出多彩Jisus 筆記型電腦電腦

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現在Eee PC已經成為眾 多產商的敵人,十面埋伏。也許你可能沒聽過Van Der Led,不過他們最新的Jisus絕對是低價便攜筆記型電腦的有一個新軍:採用的是800 x 480, 8.9吋顯示螢幕,處理器是1GHz Loongson CPU,512MB 記憶體, 4GB 容量的卡,802.11b/g無線,還有一些你熟悉的埠,立體聲喇叭,價格約299元歐幣,約新台幣一萬四,4月25日發售,點進來看介紹影片:

[感謝 Gydo]



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3100顆水晶鑲嵌而成,這就是Nespresso Crystal Edition施華洛世奇水晶特別版咖啡機,價格約4000美金,大概在十萬新台幣。我們只能說,這個咖啡機很貴很漂亮,不過它真的能泡咖啡麼?它真的 不用加咖啡豆就能有咖啡麼?或者,它泡出的咖啡特別好喝,比星巴克的還要好?


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