2008年3月18日 星期二

Samsung's Miniskirt Season 2: return of the taffeta tramps

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Samsung returns with the sequel to its SCH-C220 "Miniskirt" phone. Besides sporting a handful of new seasonal colors, "smile shot" super happy face tracking tech, and models swathed in bad Jersey bridesmaid's dresses, the most notable new feature on the SCH-C225/SPH-C2205/SPH-C2255 (depending upon S.Korean carrier) is haptic feedback. God only knows how that surgically precise vibration would come in handy on a 10.9-mm slider with a tactile, physical keypad. Hmm.

[Via Akihabara News]


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Vista SP1 officially coming tomorrow?

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It's already got its own toilet paper in Japan, but the rest of us are still patiently waiting for Vista SP1 to officially hit -- but maybe not for much longer: DailyTech is reporting that SP1 will be available for download starting tomorrow, with boxed copies to follow on store shelves Wednesday. While Microsoft's PR team wouldn't confirm anything other than "on track for mid-March" to The Register, it seems the company has been a little more forthcoming with its pals at Amazon, which is also listing March 18th as the release date for SP1. That's some fishy fish, but there's only one way to find out for reals -- nap time, here we come.

Read - DailyTech
Read - El Reg
Read - Amazon


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今天下午,我們的好朋友幫我們從北京帶回來了這台名為「中國桔子手機」,又稱做 Hiphone 的傳說級手機。新玩意入手,自然就是開箱文和比較照囉!


Hiphone 的幾個側面分別寫上了「Bluetooth, 512Mbyte T-flash card」、「innovation changes the future」和「Multi-Touch, Handwriting Panel」的字樣,正面則是滾銀邊的 Hiphone 正面照。好熟的包裝設計啊,我是在哪裡看過呢?


然後就是放在塑膠盒上的 Hiphone!這...這真是太令我感到熟悉了,我一定是在哪裡見過...

和 iPhone 相比,Hiphone 給的東西就大方太多了。除了耳機、USB 線、轉接插頭之外,還有保護套、兩顆電池和 1GB 的 micro SD 卡。真是拼啊!

打開背蓋(嘿嘿,這點 iPhone 辦不到吧),可以看到雙插卡的 SIM 卡,左下角則是 microSD 插槽。下面是和「另一隻」iPhone 的比較...

整體來說,iPhone 比 Hiphone 薄很多,但也重了不少。Hiphone 相對而言塑膠感就重了一點。

最後,為什麼我們沒辦法做評測?原因出在充電用的 USB 傳輸線上...

就這樣。小薑第一次插進去 USB 孔要充電,傳輸線就直接開花了,所以在不能充電的清況下,自然就沒辦法開機來評測。Hiphone 用的似乎不是標準的接頭,所以大家再等一等,我們想辦法聯絡到原賣方(大陸耶 = =)想辦法換到線之後再給大家完整的比較評測...

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