2008年12月28日 星期日

MacWorld 考前猜題:iPhone Nano 又來了? (10 回應)

究竟傳了好久的 iPhone Nano 會不會在 2009 年成真呢?這答案很難說。不過既然坊間有不少補習班都猜明年的試卷裡應該會出現這題,那麼各位蘋科科們就姑且聽看看吧!


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2008年12月25日 星期四

癮科技再祝大家聖誕快樂~ (1 回應)

雖然剛剛 Yeager 和 Antii 已經祝大家聖誕夜快樂了,不過我們家的御用設計師義大利蔬菜湯又火速給大家畫了一張聖誕快樂的賀卡。不論今天大家當地上的星星(在夜晚放閃光~),還是在家裡上網(現在看到這篇文章就是你~),都希望大家過的平安,快樂喔~科科

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HP Compaq Mini 700 開箱影片~~ (0 回應)


HP Compaq Mini 700 剛在歐洲上市,開箱文馬上就來了。跳轉後可以欣賞來自 Netbook News 的開箱影片。順便提一下這台的規格: 1.6GHz Atom CPU、10.2" 1024x768 LCD,售價€399歐元 (NT$18,400)。ps. CQ 覺得最好看的是那個紅色的外箱耶~ (逃)

[Via Engadget Spanish]

Read - Compac Mini 700 video unboxing
Read - Compaq Mini 700 review


繼續閱讀全文HP Compaq Mini 700 開箱影片~~

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2008年12月17日 星期三

Holiday Gift Guide: Stocking Stuffers

Looking for stocking stuffers that won't end up in the back of the closet by New Year's? Here are a few of our suggestions for quality gifts that won't break the bank.


For the fitness fanatic, Sony has the MDR-AS20J headphones, which conveniently fit around the outer ear with an earbud that sets inside the ear canal and because they feature a convertible ear hanger, you can transform them from over-the-ear headphones to a traditional earbud style. But take it from me, if you're running full-out on the treadmill, you're going to appreciate the over the ear function.In addition, all active style headphones have moisture-resistant features. Reasonably priced at approx $20.00. (Evan)


Tokidoki goes high tech? Well, not exactly but you can buy one of these dangerous looking mouse pads for only $16. I am a big fan of "Bastardino" but the others are pretty cool too. (Evan)


LOLcats have been the internet (sorry, "teh internets") hit of the decade, and what better way to celebrate than with these cute magnets, which will have you LOLzing every time you look at the fridge. (Diane)

If you're in the UK, you still have a few days to add some disembodied lego head earrings to someone's stocking (or your own ears) thanks to Plastic Bat. They're much cuter than they sound, look:




And speaking of retro objets, if you know someone who had to stop drumming after they downsized - I do), these Finger Drums could tide them over 'til they find a place to stash their bass. And if not, they're still just good fun. (Diane)


The KingMax 8GB Super Stick USB Drive is compatible with all Windows and Mac operating systems, is super small, and - get this - is washer/dryer safe! Buy it here

for $24.99. (Shelley)


Here's a great, affordable Christmas gift for anyone on Santa's list! Griffin's "Tune Buds" which come in 5 snappy colors (Silver, Light Blue, Purple, Light Green and Red). At $19.99, you're not going to expect the quality of your Shure earbuds, but they're surprisingly good, especially with the bass, which is always tricky. The secret is not only the neodymium dynamic drivers, it's the specially-engineered ear cushions, shaped to perfectly conform to the shape of the inside of your ears, which means enhanced audio isolation from outside distractions. Size matters, folks. With 3 sizes of interchangeable soft washable silicone ear cushions included in every package, there's a size for everyone, so no more "ear-fatigue." (Evan)


Here's a perfect stocking stuffer for anyone on your list.

GelaSkins are removable covers for protecting and customizing your portable devices, including BlackBerrys, iPods, iPhones, laptops, gaming consoles, etc. Patented 3M adhesive make GelaSkins easy to apply with no residue left behind and you can always reposition the skin so you can easily get a perfect fit. $14.95 for most BlackBerry cases; iPods, up to $29.95 for a 17" Mac Laptop. (Evan)


Want an inexpensive MP3 player for someone's stocking? The Nextar "Peanut" MP3 player is on sale at Amazon for a "Super Deal" price of $16.95. Supports MP3 and WMA; 12 hours of continuous playback on one AAA battery; has playlist suport; and comes in black , red and blue. But all you really need to know is that it was regularly $39.95 so you're saving a ton of green. (Evan)


It'll look like Santa was very generous this year, if he puts a Speck case in a certain someone's stocking. Get 75% OFF ALL iPhone (1st Gen), iPod nano (3rd gen), iPod touch (1st Gen) and iPod classic (1st/2nd Gen) cases. For instance, the lovely See Thru iPhone case pictured above is reduced from $29.95 to $7.95. Happy Holidays indeed! (Evan)


Tetromino Ice Blox
is a Tetris spin-off that's useful and ideal for any geek's Christmas party: use it to make Tetris ice blocks (add a little Kool Aid or food coloring so they're more like the real thing). (Diane)


Last year I got one of the Edelsweiss Swiss Army Knives in my stocking and now I don't know how I lived without it. Features: small blade, scissors, toothpick, tweezers. $20 at Victorinox Swiss Army and Amazon.(Evan)


No dad's stocking is complete without a handy tool of some kind, preferably this 11 function multi-tool gizmo from Lights and Knives. Includes pliers, wire cutter, small Phillips screwdriver, springless lever action scissors, 2 slotted screwdriver tips, knife blade with partial serration, saw blade, can opener/cap lifter, wire stripper. Only 4 inches closed and there's "liner lock" on the main and saw blades. Because you never know when you might need a saw blade. $29.99 at Coast Portland. (Evan)

Posted by Popgadget

Category: gift guides 2008 | shopping


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新型態的滑鼠操控邏輯 - Orbita Mouse (0 回應)

這個滑鼠目前還沒有正式名稱,Annti就暫時稱他為 "飛梭鼠" 吧,因為操作邏輯帶有影音編輯常用的飛梭概念(shift),而且左右鍵的按法也與傳統不同,Annti將特色交代如下:





繼續閱讀全文新型態的滑鼠操控邏輯 - Orbita Mouse

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HP 在港推出全新Touch Smart tx2-1014AU (0 回應)

HP 香港宣佈推出 TouchSmart tx2-1014AU Notebook。香港跟台灣的 TouchSmart tx2 - 1003AU (HP光潮TouchSmart平板電腦發表會) 不一樣。兩者差別主要是香港版用上時脈 2.3Ghz 的處理器、ATi 的晶片組、320GB HDD、WLAN支援802.11n 及電池改成 4-Cell電池。售價 HKD$8,980。跳轉看詳細規格。

繼續閱讀全文HP 在港推出全新Touch Smart tx2-1014AU

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Motorola 不死...只是逐漸抓狂? (6 回應)

如果這張傳說中名為「Calgary」的 Motorola 產品是真的,那我們至少可以知道兩件事:1. Motorola 還沒有放棄最後的掙扎,和 2. Moto 的設計部門一定是集體抓狂了。不過反過來想,Moto 都已經走到這個地步了,或許真的只有用激進的手段才能有一線生機吧?


繼續閱讀全文Motorola 不死...只是逐漸抓狂?

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古早遊戲機對決之樂高版 (0 回應)

看膩了Xbox360、PS3以及Wii三國鼎力之間逞兇鬥狠了嗎? 那麼來看看比較另類的遊戲機PK吧- 樂高版PS以及樂高版紅白機!(所以說宿敵就是宿敵,Sony出樂高隱藏版,Nitendo當然也要跟進阿)

這兩款樂高版遊戲機各有優缺點,樂高PS的積木組合技巧比較高超,但相較之下紅白機的法拉力造型看起來比較 "潮"。不管哪一款,都讓Annti愛不釋手,充滿回憶!還記得小一時紅白機超級馬力破第一關時,興奮的打給表哥;而PS則是小六吵著買,到手後和蘿拉(古墓奇兵那一個辣妹)並肩作戰,那些美好的日子啊~(遠目~茶)

延伸閱讀 - PS樂高版
延伸閱讀 - NES樂高版

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OLEVIA 在港推出 10吋 Mini Notebook X10A (0 回應)

根據 OLEVIA 的說法,這部 Netbook 是 Mini Notebook,型號為 X10A。跟各大 Netbook 的規格相近,用上Atom N270 1.6Ghz 處理器、1GB DDR2、160GB HDD、10.1吋 SVWGA 屏幕及支援802.11b/g,而且售價僅 HKD$2,880,看似極具吸引力,但僅配備 3-Cell 電池是敗筆之一。跳轉看詳細規格。

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2008年12月9日 星期二

在家裡優雅地生火 (2 回應)


生火並不困難,基本上只要有一支番仔火跟一桶汽油,劉文聰就可以幫忙生起一大團火。不過,身為粉科科應援團的一份子,當然要讓生火這件事變得更優雅,更浪漫的一件事,因此底下要為各位介紹兩款來自法國 Arkiane 的壁掛式火爐。

文首的那張圖片,是以古印加帝國皇后象徵的蝴蝶飛舞造型設計,名為 Icoi 的造型火爐。這款火爐可直接壁掛在牆上,或者也能內嵌到牆內( 只要牆面有足夠的深度 ),端看使用者自己的喜好。


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iPhone 電視輸出功能再度突破! (1 回應)

上次 Ars 把 iPhone / iPod touch TV-out 隱藏功能挖出來以後不久,現在他們又有新的突破了!

他們跟 App Store 上面一家遊戲開發公司 Freeverse 搭上線,讓 Freeverse 拿自家的越野車遊戲來改;在掛上藏在 2.2 版韌體當中尚未正式公佈的 TV-out class 後,結果其實還不賴,可惜距離完美還有一段距離就是;目前僅能在橫幅模式底下操作,另外輸出後,受限於處理器的馬力問題,只有在 iPod touch 二代上玩才不至於太 lag。



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