2009年1月27日 星期二

Western Digital's 2TB Caviar Green HDD on sale in Australia

Just as we'd heard, Western Digital is indeed producing (and shipping) a standalone 2TB internal hard drive. Available now for purchase from Mwave Australia, the 3.5-inch WD20EADS sports a 7,200RPM spin speed, 32MB of cache and a AU$377.80 price tag, which converts to just under $250 in greenbacks. We get the feeling that this drive is just hours away from launching here in the US of A (we're guessing the time zones are to blame), so we'll be keeping a close eye out for early reports on performance.

[Thanks, Danny]

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Western Digital's 2TB Caviar Green HDD on sale in Australia originally appeared on Engadget on Mon, 26 Jan 2009 23:47:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Folding Mountain Bike 山用折疊車是你的登山好伴侶 (8 回應)



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可愛小巧的Hello kitty C90手機 (0 回應)



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山寨版史努比隨身碟 (1 回應)


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2009年1月21日 星期三

真正的G2還未出現,山寨版G2已開始預購 (1 回應)



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2009年1月13日 星期二

Olidata Conte ultraportable makes its shiny debut

It doesn't look like this one was actually on display at CES, but Italy's Olidata does seem to have taken the opportunity to announce its shiny new Conte ultraportable, which takes square aim at the growing ranks of 13.3-inch ultra-thin laptops out there. From the looks of it, this one will be available in two different versions: one with a 16:10, 1280x800 display, and one with a 16:9, 1366x768 display, each of which will come equipped with a small form factor Core 2 Duo processor, optional built-in 3G or WiMAX, and a promised battery life of more than four hours (or seven with an extended battery). The 16:10 model will also add a few bonuses like Intel Turbo Memory, a fingerprint reader, a backlit keyboard, and 3GB of RAM as standard. Sadly, there's no indication of a release' round these parts just yet, but both models will supposedly be hitting Europe in May for "less than €1,000" (or somewhere under $1,300).

[Thanks, Faber]

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Olidata Conte ultraportable makes its shiny debut originally appeared on Engadget on Mon, 12 Jan 2009 15:44:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Asus's Eee PC 1000HE pulls the shift key in from right field

Asus's Eee PC 1000HE pulls the shift key in from right-field

Eee's 1000H is generally held to be one of the more complete netbook packages out there, but the placement of the right shift key to the starboard side of the up arrow drives many a touch-typist bonkers. Welcome, then, to the 1000HE, or "extended." It features a chiclet-style keyboard that slightly increases the size of each key, but more importantly has a slightly revised layout, moving that shift key to the left. New too is a six-cell pack full of 2.9 amp batteries (versus 2.7 amps in the 1000H), said to add another hour to the Eee's life, up to a total of 8.7 according to Asus. Finally, the company announced an "HAE" model that sports lacks 802.11n, Bluetooth, and presumably a higher lower price tag. No word on what that price will be on either model, though, or when you might be able to get your fingertips on them.

Update: Whoops, fopkins commented to point out that the HAE actually is the one without Bluetooth and 802.11n, making it the cheaper of the pair.

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Asus's Eee PC 1000HE pulls the shift key in from right field originally appeared on Engadget on Mon, 12 Jan 2009 12:02:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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CES 2009: all the stuff (and more)

Although CES 2009 was undoubtedly smaller and perhaps a little more subdued than last year's HDTV-dominated extravaganza, the products we did see were a lot more interesting -- and of course, Palm stole the show with its blockbuster Pre announcement. We've rounded up the highlights below, make sure you didn't miss anything!

Palm Pre news:
Palm's app store christened App Catalog, games not a priority
Palm Pre Touchstone eyes-on
Palm Pre / webOS launch roundup

VAIO P, now with more Windows 7
Video: Intel's convertible Classmate PC hands-on
Video: ASUS AIRO laptop with amazing sliding keyboard
VAIO P in-depth impressions
Dell Mini 10 hands-on
SuperSpeed USB 3.0 in action
Dell Studio XPS 13 and 16 hands-on
White Dell Adamo pictures leak out
Dell Adamo hands-on! (Update: now with video!)
HP dv2 and dv3 hands-on
HP Firebird with Voodoo DNA hands-on
Microsoft announces availability of Windows 7 Beta and Windows Live
ASUS' Eee Keyboard revealed

Continue reading CES 2009: all the stuff (and more)

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CES 2009: all the stuff (and more) originally appeared on Engadget on Mon, 12 Jan 2009 22:32:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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VAIO P可放口袋有啥了不起,我家的也可以! (16 回應)

甫發表不久的VAIO P,輕薄可放至口袋的體積令人驚豔 經驗 ,但有人不服輸:「我家的也可以!!!」...

跳轉之後請看請看挑戰VAIO P的相片....

繼續閱讀全文VAIO P可放口袋有啥了不起,我家的也可以!

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新式急急電流棒下戰帖:歡迎火燄挑戰者! (1 回應)

mr robot head

準備好挑戰新式急急電流棒 - 機器人先生(Mr. Robot Head)了嗎?


火燄挑戰的代價 - 新台幣1000元(美金28.99)有找,這款機器人先生不需電池,適合四歲以上眼手協調、腰馬合一外加飛影 邪眼(詳見幽遊白書)的玩家。


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CES 2009:Powermat無線充電實際展示 (5 回應)



繼續閱讀全文CES 2009:Powermat無線充電實際展示

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2009年1月10日 星期六

CES 2009::MSI X-Slim 320 vs MacBook Air (5 回應)

把 X-Slim 320 和 Macbook Air 一起比較是在所難免的,比較上 X-Slim 320 多寬一點、厚了一點,不過如果大家看看下面的照片集就可知道,兩台機器真的有許多相似的地方,尤其是曲線弧度的部份。不過那又如何,因為這是一台正港大家都買得起的筆電,又有內建 3G 網路、VGA 輸出以及乙太網路插孔,光是這幾點就大快人心了!


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Windows 7 Beta 開放下載囉! (3 回應)

想搶先試玩 Windows 7 的朋友現在微軟全面開放下載囉!大家趕快去下載來玩玩(ISO檔),這次 Beta 版本可以用到今年八月一號(警告:這個時間前不移除微軟內建的炸彈程式會讓炸掉你家的電腦!)。這次的下載最高限制為 2,500 萬個使用者,所以大家開好瀏覽器等著下載囉!


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2009年1月8日 星期四

Panasonic hoping to launch 64GB SDXC card

SDXC may have a theoretical capacity range of 32GB to 2TB, but Panasonic has already confessed that it's hoping to launch a 64GB card as soon as feasibly possible. Regrettably, pricing and availability is still yet to be determined, but we're going to go out on a limb here and guessing it'll be somewhere between "pricey" and "crazy expensive."

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Panasonic hoping to launch 64GB SDXC card originally appeared on Engadget on Thu, 08 Jan 2009 02:16:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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2009年1月3日 星期六

虛擬紐約再進化! (1 回應)

一段時間沒用 Google Earth,沒想到曼哈頓已經變成這副德性了 @@。除了極少數建築(據目測應該少於 5%)還是以前的白方塊之外,其他絕大部份建築都已經變成真實的 3D 模型了。不能去 NY 跨年,看看這個過過乾癮也不錯啦 XD

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歐歐 地球要毀滅了 國家儀器你這個幫兇!(誤超大) (4 回應)




繼續閱讀全文歐歐 地球要毀滅了 國家儀器你這個幫兇!(誤超大)

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驚悚!Vaio P 更多規格相關細節流出!真的是原子能動力? (0 回應)

上面那張邀請函,感覺應該是要全球大連線發表的樣子(顯示香港,不過主戰場應該還是在 CES);總之,隨著一月份一天天的前進,Vaio P 也一點一點的在咱們面前走光光,最新的消息指出,這款螢幕有點寬(螢幕解析度在這批資料反而沒提)的 Sony 全新主打,將會採用時脈在 1.33GHz 的 Atom 處理器(Z520),內建 2GB of RAM、標準硬碟(選購 SSD)、GPS、3G WWAN 網卡(感覺...最後面兩個應該會是加購@@),要價『僅』700 歐(三萬出頭,依照暗黑兵法,加購下去應該也破四萬了吧?如果是標準那可真是佛心來著!)。

CES 快到了!各位準備掏錢吧!

[出自 UMPC Portal, 圖片引用自Pocketables]


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