2009年5月4日 星期一

Swine flu: Everything you need to know about swine flu--and what to avoid


Inevitably, Twitter is atwitter with swine flu tweets of varying reliability. CNET's Larry Magid describes the authoritative swine flu tweets from the US Centers for Disease Control, along with warnings about regarding other swine flu tweets with caution. CNN also regards Twitter as a mixed blessing for swine flu info.

As I'm writing this, it's clear the media have gone overboard with the swine flu tale. No doubt people are grateful for a distraction from the world's economic crisis, but swine flu 24-7 is, at this point, generating unnecessary alarm. In the immortal words of Douglas Adams, Don't Panic.

You may, however, want to keep handy the following list of pretty reliable sources on swine flu. They will tell you when panic is appropriate.

Updates from the US Centers for Disease Control:


Updates from the World Health Organization, aimed largely at medical professionals:


The Washington Post's swine flu central, with some videos:


The New York Times has a swine flu central too, with interactive graphics and videos:


Yahoo News roundup of stories:


Swine flu FAQs on About.com's Patient Empowerment pages:


And, also inevitably, Wikipedia already has an entry on the current outbreak. In fact, mysteriously, it has two entries. Expect constant changes here, not all of them trustworthy, and heed the Wikipedia caveat--and plea: "This article may require cleanup (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Cleanup) to meet Wikipedia's quality standards (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Manual_of_Style). Please improve this article (http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Swine_influenza&action=edit) if you can. (April 2009)"



Posted by Tam

Category: body | current affairs | on the web

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Kyocera trots out a gorgeous new foldable OLED cellphone


It is as portable as your wallet, runs on kinetic energy and sports an expansive screen that would put the best touchscreens to shame. In short, maker Kyocera has every reason to be boastful about this latest kinetic energy powered cellphone called the Kyocera EOS, which takes the future of cellphone design a notch or two higher with respect to creativity.

The EOS, designed by Susan McKinney, is a clamshell phone which can be folded up into a form factor equivalent to a wallet or clutch-purse thanks to a flexible OLED screen. When in use as a cellphone, the soft, semi-rigid polymer "living" skin which surrounds the display transforms itself into a keypad that dissolves right back once you are done. At other times, you can unfold the phone to the complete extent of its massive screen and live out your fantasies. Perhaps the best part of this phone is that it gets its juice from human interaction - the more you use it, the more it loads up on battery. Don't see it yet ? The kinetic power means we will finally get to stop cussing at phones that go dead when we most need them. Isn't that such a relief.

While we are having fun imagining how much better our lives would be with this one, some busy bees from the Kyocera teams at San Diego and Bangalore are working their heads off trying to get this early EOS design into a reality in their future cellphone lineup.

More images after the jump.

Via Inhabitat. Photos courtesy Jeffrey Sass and Core77.





Posted by kanchana

Category: cell phones

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Weramouse V2 無線軌跡球與...消失的 V3 (3 回應)

不知道各位喜不喜歡使用軌跡球?若不排斥的話,這件 Weramouse V2 無線手持軌跡球提供給各位參考參考。方便捉握的造型,讓人輕鬆一手就能掌握;長達近 8 公尺的無線傳輸範圍,讓您不再需要乖乖坐在電腦前面,也能輕鬆控制它;可連續使用 28 小時的內建可充式鋰電池,充電一次就能使用一整天。售價 99 元紐幣( 約新台幣 1,873 元 )。

除了 V2 之外,Weramouse 網站還一度出現過 V3 的產品資訊,規格大致上和 V2 非常類似,只有軌跡球的部份改成觸控板,而售價也從 99 紐幣一躍而成 199 紐幣。然而這頁網頁只在站上曇花一現,很快就消失無蹤,因此我們只能從網路世界中特有的「凡走過必留下痕跡」的「Google 暫存」中回味它囉。

[來自 Technabob]

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聯想IdeaPad Y550要在美國開賣了 (0 回應)

聯想(Lenovo)的15吋家用筆電 - Y550,準備要在美國開賣了,Y550的一大特色就是在鍵盤上方有個名為 "Desktop Navigator" 的觸控列,滑動並點選就能快速啟動程式。


CPU:Intel Core 2 Duo T4200(時脈2GHz)起跳,可到P8700(2.53GHz)
GPU:從Intel GMA X4500,可選NVIDIA Geforce 105M
尺寸:15.6吋,解析度1366 × 768
電池:6 Cell

基本款從美金699起跳(約台幣兩萬二),另有獨立顯卡NVIDIA Geforce 105M與500GB版本可選,美金1199起跳(約台幣3萬8)。嗯,不知道進台灣時價格會變得如何的說?

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